3 Months of Martial Arts Classes & Karate Uniform 50% Off! Enroll Now!
3 Months of Martial Arts Classes & Karate Uniform 50% Off! Enroll Now!
Signed in as:
9AM-3PM Monday-Friday
Motivational Monday
9-9:30am Introduction to camp instructors
9:30-10:30am Multiple hand and kick combinations
10:30-11:30am Advanced combination
11:30-12pm Lunch
12-1pm Staff- Requirements (Bong Hyung)
1-2:30pm Nunchaku Skills Games
2:30-3pm Instructor lead Open Choice Activities/ Parent Pick Up
Terrific Tuesday
9-9:30am Morning Meditation, Outdoor Jogging and Stretching
9:30-10:30am Breaking Techniques & Form Demonstrations
10:30-11:30am Nerf Battle!!!!
11:30-12pm Lunch
12-1pm Nunchaku Review
1pm-2pm Terminology Test- memorize all vocabulary for each belt level
2-3pm BATTLE BALL/ Parent Pick Up
Wild Wednesday
9-9:30am Morning Meditation, Outdoor Jogging and Stretching
9:30-11:30am Forms, Stances, analyzing how to improve speed, power
and hip rotation to make forms better.
11:30-12pm Lunch
12pm 2pm Martial Arts Movie Day-Yes! Yes! Yes!
2-2:30pm GOAL SETTING- Academics, Martial Arts
2:30-3pm Instructor lead Open Choice Activities/ Parent Pick Up
Thrilling Thursday
9-9:30am Morning Meditation, Outdoor Jogging and Stretching
9:30-11:30am Talent Show!!!
11:30-12pm Lunch
12-1pm Point Sparring
1-2pm Jump kicks, Spin kicks, Aerial kicks
2-3pm Instructor lead Open Choice Activities/ Parent Pick Up
Fun Friday
9-9:30am Morning Meditation, Outdoor Jogging and Stretching
9:30-10:30am Breaking- Dynamics
10:30-11:30am Free Fighting and Gladiator Events
11:30-12pm Pizza Party!!!!!!!!!
12-1pm Bring towel, swimming suit, Water Shoes and water gun for WATERWARZ
1-1:30pm Group Picture, Outstanding Student Awards!
1:30-3pm Battle Ball & Parent Pick Up
$295.00 Non-Kim’s Karate Members
$275.00 Kim’s Karate Members
$25 off second child, $50 off each additional child